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Welcome to Allison Lobster's home page!

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Hello, I'm Allison. I go by any and all pronouns because I'm a weird little genderfreak(TM), I like YIIK: A Postmodern RPG and Homestuck a lot, and I like to create sprite art.

I was once much more active on the internet to a point where it had become an extreme detriment to my mental health, heavily immersing myself in online communities since the age of nine. I still look back on those times fondly, but I feel like in the long run my actions hav affected me more negatively than positively. With my profiles becoming increasingly harder to find online as time passes, I felt like making a website as a sort of microcosm of who I am/was, and to directly link to anywhere you can contact me.

You can contact me on Discord under the username "allison_lobster".

You can follow me on Twitter here and check me out on YouTube here.

Any other social media users who might claim to be me for whatever reason are completely fake.