About my interests

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My interests have always been a huge part of my personality. For most of my childhood, I was super into Earthbound and the Mother series. Most of my best childhood friends were made on a now pretty much defunct Mother community called the Earthbound Amino. I would make very shitty pixel art, comission people to draw my Mother series sona, and generally have a good time. Almost nobody I knew in real life had any idea what an Earthbound even was, and the few people that did only knew the surface level "Oh, that's where Ness from Super Smash Bros. is from" or "Oh, that's the SNES game that inspired Undertale."

I got into Homestuck largely because of Undertale and Deltarune. I had always loved Toby Fox's musical work, and was curious about what his tracks outside of UT/DR and his Earthbound hacks were, so I started reading Homestuck. And I loved every single minute of my experience. I'll never forget my first time hearing the Imp Strife Mix of Showtime, or finally finding out who the trolls were, or seeing Jade's dreamself die in [S] Descend. It was a truly unique experience that almost nothing I've ever read has been able to replicate. It's also the reason I'm what most people would call "a massive fucking June Egbert kinnie."

YIIK: A Postmodern RPG is my current biggest interest. When I first heard about YIIK, I bought into every single shitty video essay saying it was some garbage piece of shit game that nobody could ever enjoy. And then I played it for myself. And I absolutely loved it. YIIK is one of the most interesting narratives I've seen in a videogame. Alex is such a perfect example of an unreliable narrator that directly lies to the audience in order to make his biggest mistakes seem like flaws on his friends' part. I absolutely adore the combat, but I can see why I lot of people dislike it. It's often slow, but I like slow gameplay like that.